Main About UPCC

Category: About us

Ukrainian-Polish Сooperation Center at the National Mining University was established in 2000 in a view of the mutual interest of Ukrainian and Polish, scientific and business communities, as well as intergovernmental agreement between Ukraine and Poland about cooperation in education, science and culture.

The main areas of work are: 

а) organization of in-depth study of the Polish language, culture and life of the Polish people; 

b) organization of linguistic training and obtaining a qualification document;

с) Organization study of the Ukrainian business language, culture and life of the people of Ukraine for foreign students;

d) providing knowledges in the field of etiquette, using personal computers;

e) organization of linguistic training in Ukraine for foreign students;  

f) research projects;  

g) cultural programs.  

The Ukrainian-Polish Cooperation Center (in February 2006) was conducted by the Polish language courses with the issuance of the certificate of two universities: the National Mining University and Krakow Mining and Metallurgical Academy named after Stanislav Stashyts. 

Each year in the Ukrainian-Polish Cooperation Center increases the number of those who wishes to learn Polish. In the 2008-09 academic year was as a result of bids submitted (over 50) were selected 20 students for Polish language courses, of which successfully passed the exams and got the certificates - 18 people. 

In the 2009-2010 had been submitted 64 applications from which were admitted 24 students for courses of Polish language. Also launched an experimental course of Polish language with the possibility of increasing the level of the exam for the international certificate of the Ministry of Higher Education of Poland. Under this program in the Center were trained 6 people. 

Furthermore up to educational process in Center were involved teachers from Poland Martha and Daniel Rutkovsky, graduates of the University' Lodz Polytechnic "in the specialty" The Polish philology. "At 2010-2011, to the training process at the Center were involved over 60 students for the two levels of training. In 2011 - 2012, this rate grew almost to 100 students.


Major achievements in cooperation between the National Mining University and Polish universities, research institutions and business entities for 2009 - 2011 years.

1. The development of scientific, educational, cultural relations between Polish universities, research institutions and manufacturing is one of the main priorities of the international work of the National Mining University.

2. In 2009 our University was awarded with the laude "Lower Silesian Griffin - an award for economic activity" and the relevant diploma for the most effective cooperation with business, industrial, research and educational establishments Lower Silesia province by the known periodical "Gazeta Wyborcza"

3. Language training process at the Center is carried out on three levels of training: Basic, advanced and specialized language training with orientation towards business communication, economic and mining disciplines. Today, the Center enrolled about 100 students. Today, this is the maximum amount we can ensure on the basis of technical feasibility of the Centre.

4. Two linguists from Poland and two teachers from Ukraine with unique methods are teaching language that allows qualitatively provide educational services and get the results in 3-4 months. Furthermore at the Center are working senior engineer, laboratory assistant and are involved many volunteers to solve certain urgent problems of the Centre.

5. On the 8-9 May 2011 on the basis of our center had beeh conducted certification exam of Ministry of Higher Education in Poland. This exam was the only one under this program which was held on the territory of countries of former Soviet Union. Forty students from all over Ukraine were able to pass this exam. Twenty-two students were trained in UPCC. High level of preparation of students of our Centre had confirmed the results of examination - 16 students were graded "good" and "excellent."

This year the certification exam in Polish is planned on the 26 - 27 of May.

6. We initiated three summer schools for students and young scientists between the departments of the National Mining University and universities in Poland:

-Institute of Mining NMU and the Krakow Mining and metallurgy named after S. Stashitsa (Krakow);

-Institute of Economics NMU and Higher School of Banking (Wroclaw);

-Institute of Electricity and TU "Wroclaw University of Technology" (Wroclaw).

Within these schools are conducted trial and production practices for Ukrainian and Polish students. Their length varies from 10 days to three months. Periods - "June - September" each year.

Annually in these events participates from 100 - 120 students from Ukraine and 30 - 40 students from Poland.

Besides of current Internship training programs that was initiated for our young research scientists on the laboratory and test basis of leading higher education institutions in Poland. Any participant of following exchange does not wanted to stay abroad. This indicates that created conditions of personal and career growth in NMU meets the standards of leading European universities.

7. Was launched a program of binary diplomas between:

-mіnning faculty, construction faculty NMU and Faculty of Mining and Geo Engineering Krakow Mining and Metallurgical Academy named after S.Stashitsa;

-nstitute of Economics NMU and Higher School of Banking (Wroclaw).

8. Signed cooperation agreements and protocols of intent Cooperation with 12 institutions from Poland.

Manifestation of a higher level of institutional cooperation was the creation of the Polish partner of four international scientific and educational centers:

-radical technologies (National Mining University and Chief Mining Institute, Katowice);

-pure geotechnologies (National Mining University and the Krakow Mining and Metallurgical Academy S. Stashitsa, Krakow);

-Mining (National Mining University and the Krakow Mining and Metallurgical Academy. S. Stashitsa, Krakow);

-International Economics (National Mining University and the Higher Banking School, Wroclaw).

9. The developed system Cooperation with the Polish Diaspora Dnipropetrovsk, in our base spent their rehearsal Polish theater "Golden Orange" were cultural events and literary readings.

The Center has two years of graduate courses Polish Club Polish language, which allows you to maintain the level of language skills and study culture and history of the brotherly people. An assistance program wishing to receive the "Card of the Pole" and others.

10. During the reporting period made number of joint research, the main ones are:

-Hydrogen Oriented Coal Gasificatin for Europe (HUGE), 2007. Contract № RFCR-CT-2007-00006;

-ВФ-08: «Analysis of Works on Underground Coal Gasification Developed by Scientific and Research Institutes of Former USSR. Construction of Underground Gas-Generator in-Sity».2008, Contract № PL 000023461/1975/EW.MW/07;

-ВФ-10: «Elaboration of safe for the environment and human health method to start and operation of the underground coal gasification generator in the light of experience in the former Soviet Union» 2008 Contract № PL 000023461/2177/MG/08;

-ВФ-11: «Tests to determinate the rules of  construction and technological schemes of underground gasification generators in the shallow, residual coal seams, on the basis of analysis their own experiences», 2009 Contract № PL 000023461/2512/MG/10;